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Notarized translations

Notarized translations

Notarized translation is the translation that has on the last page the conclusion of notarization of a notary public. The notary certifies that the translator’s signature is authentic and that the translator holds a certificate issued by the Ministry of Justice. A translation must be notarized only when it comes to official acts and documents issued by Romanian state institutions or by authorities from a foreign country. A certified translation shall be made only in the case of the translation of original and official documents bearing the stamp of the issuing institution and the signature of the authorized person of that institution. In order to notarize the translation, it is necessary to present to the notary the original document together with its translation

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A certified translation shall be accompanied by a declaration signed by a certified translator. This is not always enough. Sometimes a public institution of a state may require you to authenticate the translator’s signature, either through an “apostille” (simplified legalization procedure) or following the standard notarization procedure. By notarizing the translator’s signature, the notary confirms that the translator is certified by the Ministry of Justice. The company you will work with, or the institution requesting your translation, is able to tell you if the certified translation needs to be notarized. It should be noted that a certified translation is not automatically a certified translation. A notarized translation is a translation that has been authenticated by a notary and in the case of a standard notarization procedure by additional authorities.

Documents that can be notarized
  • Identity documents, birth or marriage certificates, study diplomas, car documents, driving license, passport.
  • Documents issued by the police – criminal records, evidence of finding.
  • Documents issued by notaries
  • proxies, declarations, sale-purchase contracts.
  • Documents issued by the Trade Register – registration certificate
  • Documents issued by the Financial Administration, customs authorities, courts.
documente legalizate

Apostille or notarized translation?

In case you don’t know about apostille and apostille application differences, we mention that an apostille or apostille stamp is a simplified form of notarization. The court or other public institution such as the Prefecture or the Chamber of Notaries issues a statement to the effect that the person signing the document has done so in an official capacity. An apostille makes a certified translation valid for use in another country.

Notarized translations are made by translators who have obtained a certification from the Ministry of Justice and have the right to sign and stamp. These certified translators sign and apply the stamp to legalize the document. If you need a notarized translation, contact us by phone at 0742 144 313. You can send us an email at During office hours you can receive the translated documents, following payment of an urgency fee, even within one hour.

Frequent questions

We answer your questions.

The number of pages of the source document and the number of pages of the translated document (target) may be different, so it is best to send us the document to be translated when you request its translation so that we can make a correct price estimate.

Translations are made for a wide range of documents depending on the client’s needs: civil status documents, study documents, car documents, medical documents, bank documents, notary documents, various articles or works, etc.

One standard page has 2000 characters, spaces included.

Certified translations contain the conclusion, signature and stamp of the translator certifying the correctness of the translation and legalized translations contain the conclusion of the translator and the stamp of the notary public certifying that the translator is authorized by the Romanian Ministry of Justice and that the specimen signature and stamp of the translator is truthful. In order to legalize the translations by the notary, it is necessary to present the original document together with the translated one when the legalization is performed.

We work with a complete list of file formats, both editable texts and images. These include (but are not limited to): Adobe PDF (.pdf); Microsoft Office formats: Word (.doc / .docx), MS Excel (.xls / .xlsx), MS Powerpoint (.ppt / .pptx), MS Publisher (.pub / .pubx); OpenDocument formats (.odt, .ods, .odp); Web pages (.htm, .html, .php etc); A wide range of image formats (.jpg, .gif, .tif, .png, .bmp, .psd, .tga, etc.)

The price of the translated document is calculated primarily according to the number of pages, the price may vary depending on the desired delivery time but also on the language used in the document for which the translation is requested.

The delivery time can vary from 1-2 hours in the case of urgent, small documents, up to a few days or even weeks in the case of documents that have a large volume of pages.

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